Friday, November 11, 2011

seen at secac in savannah

Fiber artist Beth Melton. She gave a great presentation and she said she'd send me some of her "Pee-Paw's Pecans".

The river. Nice to look at but very cold to run by early in the morning.

Sculptor Ann Hamilton. The Lander gang plus Beth sat down front at her keynote speech.

The longest Veterans Day Parade I've ever seen. The marching bands punctuated the talks on Thomas Kinkade making them even more goofy to experience.

SCAD's reuse of old stuff. Great use of existing structures and great use of color on the new stuff.

Churches. Southern city....lots of churches.

Liza Lou's trailer exterior. SandySingletary and Beth wait while Georgie views the interior.

Liza Lou's trailer interior. Very shiny. Very impressive.

Mapplethorpe photos. Naked flowers, not people.

Kehinde Wiley's massive paintings. Just as slick as they were in the art magazine but even more perfect and awesome in person.

River Street. Newly acquired fact: Running on cobblestones is not fun or easy.

Some real life "Occupy" people. Not impressed with their level of dedication. When the drizzle started they ran away.

This. War monument and lots of other public art. Public art rules. It appeals to people and makes them want to come to your town and walk around.

A pirate ship. It wasn't really a pirate ship but when Blue sees this photo he's going to call it a pirate ship and I'm not going to rain on his parade.


Java said...

Who is Liza Lou and what's the significance of her trailer? Nice trailer.

What does SECAC stand for?

Remind me to ask you about Thomas Kinkade.

nightswimming said...

LL does glass beads in mass quantities. The entire trailer interior was covered in them....Look her up.

SouthEastern College Art Conference