Friday, May 13, 2011


new sculpture....

I pushed enough stuff out of the way and made a work space and finally got a new sculpture under way. I was not alone in the studio though.

This guy

and this guy decided to stick around.

This year is the big 13th year emergence of cicadas in the Greenwood area. I've never seen or heard anything like this. These guys are everywhere. The stairwell, the offices, the classrooms. They cover the sidewalks and just walking across campus seems like you are walking across cicada rush hour traffic. The buzz by your head and smack into your chest. The trees absolutely pulsate with the cicada songs. I grew up collecting cicada shells from our weeping willow tree and my son and I still collect them from the ash tree in our backyard. He calls them bug-a-bugs. But I'm used to seeing less than 50 each year. They are harmless and actually really friendly little bugs but the massive number of them and the nonstop chorus they play in the trees in Greenwood is like something out of a Steven King story. I'm relatively sure they had some impact on the new sculpture but it's far too soon to understand exactly how.

And now it's time for something painfully adorable:


Austin said...

Levi tried to eat a cicada earlier, i had to stop him.

dang it violet, you're so cute.

awesome new sculpture!

nightswimming said...

I've heard from dogs and humans that cicadas are tasty. Thanks Austin....hope y'all are well.