Friday, April 1, 2011

pigtails and pirate pajamas

pigtails and pirate pajamas

The spring semester has been action packed. I know a couple of sculpture students who would shout a hearty "amen" to that. Those two students are pictured below holding down the right side of the photo.

That's EllenBess, Melissa, Ivy, Doris and Cate moments after they gave their presentations at the Student Scholarship Showcase at Lander last week. Excellent students were selected from all areas in the College of Arts and Humanities to give presentations about their own research in the humanities. These ladies represented the Visual Arts and they did a great job of putting together fine presentations with very short notice while juggling project deadlines for their other classes. They all did a superb job and Doris and Cate made sure that the three-dimensional areas were well represented. I was proud.

That's Gordon standing on the table and that's his chunk of plaster blurring in mid air. It would be easy to explain how this plaster smashing is a part of the plaster project....but that would take all the fun out of the photo.

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