Thursday, May 13, 2010

meet Lila

I had the opportunity to teach an advanced Drawing course to Lila Shull during Spring semester. She was looking to develop beyond the normal classes and was interested in finding her own voice as she worked to visually communicate her ideas. I taught Lila a couple of years ago in 3D-1 and have watched her progress into the upper level Art courses so I knew she was a serious student. She produced an impressive amount of work in the class and the quality matched the quantity.

Here's a couple of works from her first series:

And a few from her next series:

And the third series:

These are all fairly large drawings on Stonehenge paper. She used everything from graphite to colored pencils to paint washes.
In addition to completing these drawings she was awarded the Outstanding Student in Drawing Award for this academic year. I think it's been a big semester for her. She's certainly moved forward. Next semester she's studying abroad and I'm sure we're going to see more excellent work from her next year.
Congratulations Lila. I'm proud.


Brooke said...

I especially like the fish in the second series. And am incredibly jealous of those who are able to bring their thoughts to life on paper is a visible way. Congrats to Lila!

nightswimming said...

we miss y'all. tell mike hello.

Austin said...

I love Lila!
She's got a lot going for her and such a sweet personality.