Tuesday, March 26, 2024

plaster 202

If it's the week before spring break, it must be time to pour some plaster!  You know the drill by now.  Here's how it went this year....

The Wednesday night class was upstairs all anxious about their cardboard molds while I was out on the Sculpture Deck setting up for plaster.  As soon as I finished, the skies darkened ominously and the wind picked up.  Moments later, it was a full-fledged storm with heavy rain, high wind and a little thunder.  The plastic I put down to catch the plaster held a couple of inches of rain water while MG and Hope danced in the storm.  Just as my freshman friends were trickling downstairs with fear on their faces, the rain stopped.  Perfect timing.

They were as ready as they were going to be.

It only takes a minute for things the McAbee induced chaos to begin.

Despite the fear, the stress soon turned into smiles and laughter.

I love the range of emotions during that first pour.

My  new friend Mackenzie mixing.

Ava had a good sense of humor about it all.

This one wavered between wanting to hurt me and enjoying herself.


The after photo.

Cathryn had a plaster pour birthday and it was perfect to celebrate with the plaster Sculpture Cake.

The Thursday morning crew before.

One minute later.

Leaders rose up and all sorts of personality types revealed themselves.
Sadly, we forgot to get an after photo.

The Thursday afternoon crowd before.

One minute later.

Hannah was the one that most wanted to hurt me in this class.

No, I don't even try to keep the plaster in the molds.

The after photo.

The Thursday night class.  They had the benefit of seeing and hearing all about it.

Not that any of that helped.

Payton ate a little plaster.  Pretty sure that's not harmful.

The students from the earlier classes came back to offer really unsound advice to the pourers.  It's funny to see them sabatoge each other like that.

The less evil ones just came back to watch and laugh.

The final after photo.

And now all the freshmen have been officially anointed as Art+Design people.  Next year they'll speak fear into the new crop of freshies as they prepare for their baptism in plaster.  The circle of life is cool.

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