I had myself all prepared to be social at an art event Friday night and the child who never, ever gets sick......got sick. True, I was not heartbroken about not having to go, but we were looking forward to seeing Molly and Josh!.....and I was hoping to see 2 former students who were also accepted into the exhibit, Jacob Olsen and Alastair Hutchison.
As soon as the kids were in bed Molly sent a text message congratulating me on an award. I got another mysterious text this morning and then my old friend Austin was nice enough to send some official verification of said award:
http://jaspercolumbia.net/blog/?p=1423 (note Jacob's impressive work on the link)
The Jasper "State-of-the-Art" Award. Lucky break for me and I'm thrilled and grateful. But just to keep my self esteem in check, the universe coordinated the delivery of a rejection letter to an international juried show today.
Well played, universe. Well played.
Congrats on the Jasper award!