Friday, November 13, 2009

Senior Photo Thesis and Rock Paper Scissors

Photos from 11-12-09 @ GalleryUp and The Loading Dock Gallery. I have to level with photos are terrible. I'm still getting used to just having a cell phone, not to mention remembering it has a camera inside, and remembering to touch the screen where I want it to focus. And I'm not a great photographer anyway so I used the fake Polaroid App to make the most of the fuzzy photos. How's that for an introduction?

Winthrop Senior Photography Thesis Exhibit 2009:

Ashley Walker photos

Ashley Walker. She smiles like this as she tells me how much she hated my classes.

BenJack photos

BenJack (left) with Mr. & Mrs. Jack. This is a perfect BenJack facial expression.

Cameron Bunce & Carlee Lingerfelt. Shaun Cassidy hovers over Carlee's head. Cameron & Carlee are two of the nicest people in the state.
There were too many heads blocking Cameron's photos. I'm sure that's a good thing for him.

Downstairs...."Rock, Paper, Scissors" a Winthrop M.F.A. candidate outreach exhibition:
Sandy's things and Stephen's painting

Leah's organs on a table with Jon rising out of them

An elbow, Stephen, random photo crashers & Josh

Natalie, Jessica, Pam, Josh & Stephen

1 comment:

  1. i was impressed that Cameron's photos were actually color prints. i admire his pursuit for good quality...
